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Split Data Frame in R (3 Examples) | Divide (Randomly) by Row & Column | rbinom, nrow & c Functions
Add Index ID to Data Frame in R (3 Examples) | Create Numeric Identifier Using cbind, nrow & mutate
Split a Data Frame in R using a Factor. See a Practical use case of splitting data.
Splitting data frames in R
Splitting columns in R with the separate() command
R: How to divide a data frame by column values?
Return Data Frame Row Based On Value in Column in R (Example) | Extract Certain Rows Conditionally
R : Function to split a data frame into n groups of data frames in R
Remove NA Columns from xts Time Series in R (Example) | All or Some Missings | colSums, & nrow
Row Indices where Column has Particular Value in R (2 Examples) | Data Frame Subset | which Function
split & unsplit Functions in R (2 Examples) | Divide & Reassemble Data | Vector Object into Chunks
split function in r | how to split a dataframe using split function in r